Persist...persist...stay on...and life shows you the way...
Misfit in B.Com. Craving for the Arts. Too many 'What ifs'. Resisting M.Com.
Weakening will. Still looking. 'Back up', not 'learning'. Yet another farce.
A trap. The same old mistake. Intention still alive. Universe listens. Celestine Prophecy.
'Ask and it shall be revealed'. I see the light.
Joy. Ecstacy. Delight.
M.A. in Socio - here I come!
(U C, the E took the A away!)
Misfit in B.Com. Craving for the Arts. Too many 'What ifs'. Resisting M.Com.
Weakening will. Still looking. 'Back up', not 'learning'. Yet another farce.
A trap. The same old mistake. Intention still alive. Universe listens. Celestine Prophecy.
'Ask and it shall be revealed'. I see the light.
Joy. Ecstacy. Delight.
M.A. in Socio - here I come!
(U C, the E took the A away!)
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