The Sanctuary

At the epicentre of noise and distraction lies a Quiet. A place where thoughts find freedom, where words find meaning, where every second finds a purpose and every moment finds its place in the scheme of bigger things. Welcome to a consortium that will make you feel Alive. Welcome to a place that is 'Uniquely Yours'. Welcome to the Sanctuary...

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Hedonism-Desserts for my Heart

Found it today,marooned and ignored,
Isolated to the core,disinterested and bored,
It refused to respond, had it lost hope?
It said it felt as if it belonged to me!

Then my heart said it didnt want to speak,
So I was about to leave;The uncaring person that I am,
Hesitation creeped in and awkwardness overshadowed the situation,
I asked the heart to talk to me and it did agree.

I asked it,"What you been upto?"
And it said "Nothing much brother,
Just beating around for the past 16 years,
Biologically and emotionally.

It was in school that we were in touch,wasnt it?
You had done so much for me
Which led to so many beautiful things."
It showed a slight softening in its voice.

I realised I had not spoken to it since then,
A long time had passed, a time of uselessness.
It was not me who was living for the past six years,
For my heart just pumped blood in me and not life.

I felt bad,very bad,said sorry
He said.....OK,
I did not know what to say,but just could hear,
Something break,something break inside me.

There was a warm feeling inside me then,
A sense of achievement,a successful photosynthesis,
For i had surely cooked up something for myself,
And so much, that it would last all my life.

My hunger had reached its peak now,
Bites of artificial self assurance couldn't last anyway,
The food i saw was far from reach,but yes,I had to reach,
'Cause this food was the one which would give me life and not blood.

Now my thoughts have to run and not my legs,
My brain has to digest and not my intestine,
Adamant digestive juices gotta make rocks melt now!
'Cause its clear, I cant be producing shit anymore!!

I will have to rise,rise above moods and conventions,
I will have to move, move faster than speed.
I owe a lot to my heart, for all it has done,
For i do not deserve anything in this world but myself, my pleasure.



Blogger Sancturian said... now we know what drives pleasure seeker!

Cheers to a new rel'ship...THE most imp rel'ship in ur life...the one with yourself...

...happy cruising buddy :)


12:02 PM  

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