The Sanctuary

At the epicentre of noise and distraction lies a Quiet. A place where thoughts find freedom, where words find meaning, where every second finds a purpose and every moment finds its place in the scheme of bigger things. Welcome to a consortium that will make you feel Alive. Welcome to a place that is 'Uniquely Yours'. Welcome to the Sanctuary...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Time to face the music

Never mind the bleak landscape…the overtures of impending doom

For gay sunshine to trickle in – these leave little room

It is for you to stare back at what you’ve created

For bringing on a state which you’d once hated

Get a grip girl…can’t you hear the clock tick?!

Look up, brace yourself – it’s time to face the music

Wafting bits of memories – entrenched in the deepest of thoughts

Jumbled jamboree of emotions – exposing some obscure knots

Sorting would take time…but have u even begun?

Do you let that evasive mind just escape and run?

Delay will turn into decay – the mess will make you feel sick

Don’t do this to yourself child– just go face the music

‘Plans of action’ rotting on crumpled sheets of past

Resolves that grip the moment – but never seem to last

Knowing what to do - but not doing it at all

Running without looking – sure to stumble and fall

Impulsive choices, stifled inner voices – all for the momentary kick

Something you should’ve done long back – be brave and face the music

Promises from a bygone era - shimmering hope now jaded

The dreams that this soul once nurtured – have they all been raided?

Divine potent lying unused – how it mourns and molders in damp mire

The un-fanned spark seems to silently die – even before it turns into a fire…

You weren’t sent here for this – let this discomfort nudge and prick

Before the melodies fade into oblivion…It’s time to face the music…




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess its time for me too.. not to face the music, but to welcome it with arms open. Either ways mazza aayega

10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is probably one of the best reality checks one could have ever given to self..
To me, its a reminder (hehe!)
Good job girl, now live it..& face the music..but wait..(*thinkin*)..'facing the music' in this context (from wht i understand) won't be lik a 'bad' thing haan..u gonna do great, im sure! Break a leg..& yes, chhak de phatte! :D

Cheers \m/, (+.+) ,\m/

10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the last line...honestly I think for all of us - Beofre the music fades into onlivion it is time to face the music!

Let's not just face the mussic but as neo sed welcome it, love t and revel in it!!

10:36 AM  

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