‘It’s in those tiny moments of triumph that the bigger victories take place…for the race is not won on the grounds as much as it is in that extra mile of practice, the ’…60 seconds’ worth of distance run’ that fills the unforgiving minute…for the biggest conquest is the one of the mind…over itself.
Today’s a day of realizations. Despite theoretically knowing it, I’ve often under-estimated the power that my subconscious mind has over my actions…and the one that I have over it. The mind is like a software – it can be programmed to our will. But God forbid if you fail to put yourself in the seat of the programmer – life will willingly do it for you. Circumstances will take over, without you realizing it – and your subconscious mind will operate out of a mind of its own. (The mind having a mind of its own – fancy that!)
Having said that, what’s also of consequence is to know that I don’t need to wait for a glorious day when with the first ray of the sun, I decide to turn my life around. ‘One day…I will discipline my mind…I will do what I need to…what I want to’. If it’s Mt. Everest or nothing as far as our mountaineering ambitions go, we may as well wait for a lifetime before we begin. How about starting with tiny treks and eventually progressing to bigger ones?! And guess what – these are what will eventually help you conquer that coveted mountain peak!
Small actions…winning over the will in tiny baby steps…deriving the mental strength to take on bigger things…head on…holding on in that critical second...not giving up - coz u know it wouldn't take much to give up the next time..and the next...
...one event at the start of the day…telling you that you can do it…all of it…that all I need is the will…my will…that one step has given me the power to climb another hundred…
I didn’t press the snooze button today.
Something tells me this piece wasn't crafted out.And if this is your free writing i must admit- nice!
- Marvin
the first 4 lines, i had 2 read em thrice over, only to realize how true they were.
Good to read this..especially:
I didn’t press the snooze button today!
proud of you! :)
Cheers \m/, (+.+) ,\m/
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